• Guides
  • Getting Started
  • Project Setting
  • Size


The CliCli Editor supports changing the map size of the current project. By clicking Details - Size in the CliCli Editor menu bar, you can select a square map size on the left of the window, and then adjust its Width (W) and Height (H) in Size Settings, or use the forward and reverse arrows around the preview on the right of the window to scale the map.

For example, to design a 128*160 map, perform the following steps.

  1. Select a 128*128 medium-sized map on the left of the window, which is displayed as the brown part in the preview area on the right of the window.

  2. Click the arrow at the top twice in the preview area. The dotted line indicates the new map size you want.



Note: Scaling down the map may delete some objects on the edge of the map, including Terrain, Topography (including Texture, Cliff, Height, Graffiti, and Crack), Passable, Unit, Decoration, Item, Destructible, Effects, Camera, Region, and Path. When the map size becomes larger again, the deleted objects will NOT reappear on the map. The rules for deleting the objects are as follows.

Terrain, Topography, and Passable

Objects are deleted based on grid. For example, if a part of the Terrain is outside the changed map and the other part of it is inside, only the outside part is deleted and the inside part is retained. As shown in the following figures, the left one and the right one respectively show the map before and after scaled down.


Unit, Decoration, Item, Destructible, and Effects

Regardless of the volume of the object, deletion is based on its coordinate origin. If the origin is inside the changed map, the object will not be deleted; if the coordinate origin is outside the map, the object will be deleted, as shown in the figures below.



Based on the focus of the camera.

For the Initial Camera, if the focus of the initial camera is still inside the map after the map is changed, the initial camera will not be changed; if the focus of the initial camera is outside the changed map, the initial camera will be moved to the center of the new map.

For other Camera except for the initial camera, if the focus of the camera is inside the changed map, the camera will not be changed; if the focus is outside the changed map, the camera will be removed.



If a Point is inside the changed map, it will not be changed; if a point is outside the changed map, it will be removed.

For Regions with the shap of Rectangle, Circle, and Polygons, if the changed map completely contains the Region, it will not be changed; if some parts of the Region are outside the changed map, it will be completely removed.



If some points on a Path are outside the changed map, it will be completely removed; if all the points on a path are inside the changed map, it will not be changed.
