• Guides
  • Getting Started
  • Developing on CliCli
  • Design For Clicli

Design for CliCli

CliCli draws inspiration from old school RTS game editors and modern game engines alike. Like certain other game creation tools, CliCli editor can realize most game ideas with some limitations. When designing for CliCli games, it is recommended to think about target user groups and editor capabilities.

Designing for the Audience

Young audience

Young people are more focused on trying new things, having fun and connecting with others, instead of just competing or aiming for a specific goal. They consume content differently, mainly influenced by social media and YouTube, and are motivated by the online interactions with their friends. CliCli caters to this type of behavior.

Older audience

Games that can appeal to older CliCli users are becoming popular and this often means they have features that are similar to other platforms. Older audience are more likely to spend more time and money on your game, and they also tend to be the ones who create communities around the game. They are more likely to become regular players instead of just trying it out once.

Designing for the Editor

Theme and Genre

Designing a game based on the CliCli editor ensures a smooth and optimized gameplay experience for the players. It also allows for maximum utilization of the editor's features and functionalities, leading to a better overall game design. Game genres that are recommended to make on CliCli:

  • Strategy
  • RPG
  • TD (Turret defense)
  • MOBA
  • Visual Novel

UI and UX

Good design of a game's UI and UX is very critical to the gaming experience. Here are a few tips on designing UI and UX for PC players:

  • Make it easy to navigate: The UI should be intuitive and easy to navigate, so players can quickly find what they need.
  • Keep it simple: A cluttered UI can be overwhelming and make it difficult for players to focus on the game. Keep the design simple and uncluttered.
  • Use keyboard shortcuts: Keyboard shortcuts can make navigation faster and more efficient for PC players. Make sure to include these in your design.
  • Optimize for different screen sizes: PC players may use a variety of screen sizes, so make sure the UI is optimized for different screen resolutions.
  • Pay attention to details: The little details can make a big difference in the overall user experience. Pay attention to font size, spacing, and color to create a consistent and attractive design.
  • Consider the context: Think about what the player is doing in the game and how the UI can support their experiences.
  • Test with real players: Finally, make sure to test your UI and UX with real players to get feedbacks and make improvements.