• Guides
  • Navigation
  • Main Interface
  • Menu Bar

Main Interface

After opening a project, you will enter the main interface of the CliCli Editor as the figure below. The information in the figure may be too much for you as there are so many panels, tabs, and options, and you may not sure whether the operations and hotkeys in CliCli Editor are in line with your habits. This section will guide you to gradually learn the main interface and basic operations.


Menu Bar

The menu bar on the left top of the Main Interface provides basic settings for CliCli Editor and projects, including Document, Edit, Window, Details, Publish, and Help. Below the menu bar, you can use the Play button to debug your project. You can also use the shortcut buttons for Undo, Redo, and Save.


You can debug a project in three operation modes by clickingmainwindow2_more_dwn on the right side of the Play button.

Run Game in Editor

Use the current editor window for the debug. The editing window of CliCli Editor will be the window to run the game during the debug. Therefore, you can no longer edit the game during the debug.

Run as Separate Process

Calling another window to run the game, allowing you to edit the project in CliCli Editor.

Run Multiple Games

If the current project is a multiplayer game, you can test it by running a window for each player.



You can perform operations such as New, Open, Save, Save As, Open in Explorer, Version Manager, and Exit. For Version Manager, you have to use Trigger to set it.


Version Manager

allows multiple people to collaborate on development.

First of all, you need to configure the environment of your local system by steps as follows:

(1) Download and install git: https://git-scm.com/

(2) Register a GitHub account: https://github.com/

(3) Configure local git information

(4) Obtain local SSH and add it to the GitHub management, then create a new online library

(5) Open the project and bind the corresponding server address in the Version Manager

After configuration, you can upload the local project content and download the online project content to achieve collaborative development.



You can perform operations such as Undo, Redo, Cut, Copy, Paste, Remove, and Clear Selection. In addition, you can perform General Settings and Hotkeys.



You can decide whether to display the Object Preview, Placed Objects, Tool Palette, Log, Debug Window, Minimap, and State Bar by selecting or deselecting them.



You can modify the Game Language, Game Rules, Player Settings, Art Style, and Size of your project.



You can Upload Project, enable Multiplayer Test, and enter Creator Dashboard. When you enable the Multiplayer Test, the project will be uploaded to the CliCli Platform but will not be disclosed to the public. You can invite friends to test the project together.



If you encounter any problems, you can send Feedback to the official. By viewing the User Guide and API Documentation, you can use the CliCli Editor to develop more skillfully. About Us is for you to learn more about CliCli.
