• Guides
  • Getting Started
  • Developing on CliCli
  • Working With Assets

Working with Assets

This section explains how assets are uploaded to the CliCli editor and how you can apply them to your projects.

Importing and Finding Assets

You can import your own image, audio, model, and skybox for usage specifically among your team group. Also, you can use resources from Resource Manager or choose from Assets Store.

Import Image, Audio, Model, and Skybox

In the Resource Manager, you can import bulk assets for usage in your experience.

CategoryFormats and Usage
Image .png and .exr files for use as texture, user interface elements, mesh texture, textures for custom materials, and more.
Audio.mp3 or .wav files which adhere to CliCli's audio requirements.
Model (Normal Model & Batch Import Static Models) .fbx or .FBX files which adhere to CliCli's model requirements.
Skybox.exr, .hdr, .png files

Assets Store

The Assets Store contains millions of images, audios, models and ECAs(Event-Condition-Action) made by CliCli. You can search for assets in the Marketplace and use them in any of your experiences.